free e-book

7 Days to better health

7 Days to improve your health, simple additions you can add any day of the week.

Help is at hand in this new guide, that will get you moving, eating and feeling great!

Give it a go and become a healthier version of you in as little as 7 days.

In this Free E-Book you will get answers to common questions such as:

  1. How should I start exercising?
  2. I shouldn't eat fats because they will make me fat, right?
  3. I can't sleep well and it's making me eat more sugar the next day to keep going, how do I change that?

These tips are for anyone wanting to make improvments from sleep to food.

Health Coach UK
Eleni Dee is the founder of Meraki Health.
Helping people live a healthier and happier life.

7 Ways to better health

Simple information on what to eat and why, free recipies and ideas to include in your lifestyle today!

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